Subway Rider Loses It When Sees Huge Star Is Man Who Gave Up Seat For Her

For most people, encountering a celebrity can be an experience they never forget. It's something that happens often in New York and LA, where many stars live, and a recent run-in with an A-Lister on a New York City subway that was captured on film is now going viral. The clip shows people commuting on a train as a woman begins to freak out when she realizes that the man in a bomber jacket and aviator shades who just gave up his seat for her is none other than Ben Stiller.

In her disbelief, she screams in Spanish, "No mentira, tu me haces reir mucho!" which translates to "No lie, you make me laugh so much!" while Ben beams at her reaction. Instagram user willsta_gram caught the amazing exchange and posted it with the caption, “When @benstiller casually gives up his seat on the #NYC subway & then this."

The fan goes on to take curlers from her hair to look good for her favorite star. In a second video, a smiling Ben can be seen taking selfies with fellow passengers.

You never know what can happen on the subway!

Photo: Getty Images

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