While Jeopardy contestants like Ken Jennings and James Holzhauer made headlines during their stints on the game show because of the number of times they won, or the amount of the cash prizes they racked up, there are some players who have made the news for other reasons. Sometimes they exhibit strange behavior, sometimes they do something sweet and moving, sometimes they offend the host, and sometimes they have a response that is newsworthy because of how bad it is. Well on Monday's show, contestant Patrick Pearce broke a record on the show, but it isn't anything he is likely to be proud of.
On the episode, which was the first featuring guest host LeVar Burton, Pearce ended the Double Jeopardy round with an all-time worst score of negative $7,400. His awful showing topped the previous worst score of negative $6,800, set in January of 2020.
As is often the case, viewers of the show had a lot to say about Pearce's performance. One person tweeted, "Oh, Patrick...dear god. The horror...the horror...," while another person wrote, "Patrick just manifested my worst nightmare. Finally get on the show, board isn't to your strengths, get behind early, panic buzz, snowball, big RED. I feel for him."
Even though he didn't get to play in the Final Jeopardy round - you need to be in the positive to do that - Pearce, a product specialist from Fountain Valley, California, still came out at the end of the show and was awarded $1,000 for finishing the show in third place.